Abby Quam and Clayton Panteah
Albert Eustace
Alonzo Esalio
Andres Lementino
Avery Calavaza
Bremette Epaloose
Brion Hattie
Bryston and Calvert Bowannie
Burt Awelagte and son Ryan Awelagte
Clissa Martin and Felissa Martin
Cody Nastacio
Colin D. Weeka
Dan Quam
Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai
Deceased Carvers
Dee Edaakie
Delvin, Fred & Hayes Leekya + Enrike Leekya
Derrick Kaamasee
Eddington Hannaweeke
Esteban and Rochelle Najera
Felino Eriacho
Florentino Martinez
Gibbs Othole
Herbert Halate
Herbert Him
Hiram Peyntsa
Hudson Sandy
Jayne and Lynn Quam
Jeff Shetima, Nephew Kendall Shetima
Jimmy Yawakia
Karen Zunie
Kateri Sanchez
Laiwekete Family
Lance Cheama
Lena Boone
Lorandina Sheche
Loren Tsalabutie
Melissa Quam
Melvin Sandoval
Quandelacy Family
Saville Hattie
Sebastian Santos
Travis Lasiloo
Troy Sice & Raymond Tsalate
Weahkee Family
Yancy Robert Halusewa