Andres Lementino
Andres Lementino is a Zuni artist in his mid-thirties known for inlaying what he calls double Zuni Sun faces on most of the creatures he carves, utilizing bits of coral, turquoise, clam shell, gold-lip & jet. He often includes an inlaid heart line on the opposite side. Andres's mother Cena Weebothee is a jeweler - so instruction from her & Emery Boone - a neighbor, have helped Andres to become the artist that he is today. Andres often uses white marble, jet or Picasso marble. Some of his popular carvings are his medicine bears, owls, eagles with raised wings, frogs with tadpoles inlaid on their backs, horses with good confirmation, bison, maidens, howling wolves and most recently rabbits & horned toads.