Zuni Fetishes: The Six Directions
Zuni society recognizes six cardinal directions. Each direction is represented by a fetish of a different color; the fetish is the guardian of its regions and is the master of the medicine powers for that region.
Hunting Fetishes of the Six Directions
- North Mountain lion (yellow)
- West Coyote (blue)
- South Badger (red)
- East Wolf (white)
- Upper Region Eagle (multiple colors)
- Lower Region Mole (black)
Healing Fetishes of the Six Directions
- North Mountain lion (yellow)
- West Bear (black or blue)
- South Badger (red)
- East Wolf (white)
- Upper Region Eagle (multiple colors)
- Lower Region Mole (black)
Each animal has a different power, and the choice of animal depends on the purpose for which the fetish is intended. For example, a hunter in quest of a deer would use a mountain lion fetish as the deer is the natural prey of the mountain lion. Fetishism can be extremely complicated - each animal can have six varieties of colors representing alternate powers. For more information, we suggest you purchase one or more of our Zuni fetish books.