Zuni Fetish Artists
On this page we will be adding links to biographies of the Zuni fetish carving artists whose work we are pleased to offer at Sunshine Studio.
- Leekya family
- Quandelacy family
- Weahkee family
- Abby Quam and Clayton Panteah
- Albert Eustace
- Alonzo Esalio
- Andres Lementino
- Avery Calavaza
- Bremette Epaloose (deceased)
- Brion Hattie
- Bryston and Calvert Bowannie
- Burt Awelagte and son Ryan Awelagte
- Clissa Martin and Felissa Martin
- Cody Nastacio
- Colin. D Weeka (deceased)
- Dan Quam (deceased)
- Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai
- Dee Edaakie
- Derrick Kaamasee
- Eddington Hannaweeke
- Esteban Najera
- Felino Eriacho and Students
- Florentino Martinez and son Eric Martinez
- Gibbs Othole
- Herbert Halate
- Herbert Him and son Herbert Him, Jr.
- Hiram Peynetsa
- Hudson Sandy
- Jayne and Lynn Quam
- Jeff Shetima and nephew Kendall Shetima
- Jimmy Yawakia
- Karen Zunie
- Kateri Sanchez
- Laiwakete Family
- Lance Cheama
- Lena Boone and Family
- Lorandina Sheche, sister Manella Kucate, and son Aaron Chapella
- Loren Tsalabutie
- Melissa Quam
- Melvin Sandoval
- Rochelle Quam
- Saville Hattie (deceased)
- Sebastian Santos (deceased)
- Troy Sice and Ray Tsalate
- Travis Lasiloo and nephew Glendon Lasiloo
- Yancy Robert Halusewa (deceased)