Turquoise Maiden by Avery Quandelacy, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
$ 360.00
Jet Bird, Raven by Brian Yatsattie - Zuni Fetish
Serpentine Bobcat by Lance Cheama - Zuni Fetish
Boulder Opal Turtles by Gayla Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
Turquoise Six-Directional Set by Leland Boone and Daphne Quam - Zuni Fetish
Picasso Marble Badger by Dan Quam, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
Antler Lizard by Esteban Najera - Zuni Fetish
Zuni Rock (travertine) / Azurite / Malachite Badger by Felino Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
Jet Double Bat by Brian Yatsattie - Zuni Fetish
Sterling Silver Bird, Duck by Eldred Martinez - Zuni Fetish
Picasso Marble Mountain Lion by Lance Cheama - Zuni Fetish
Turquoise* Rabbit by Esteban Najera
Military Opal Bobcat by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
Serpentine Sea Turtle by Vern Nieto, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
Antler African Lion by Robert Michael Weahkee - Zuni Fetish
Dolomite Maiden Figure by Rhoda Quam, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
Chrysocolla Maidens by Stuart Quandelacy, Deceased
Marble Figure by Sarah Leekya, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
$ 362.00
Antler Butterfly Maiden by Claudia Peina & Kal Kallestewa - Zuni Fetish
$ 365.00
Dolomite Badger by Chris Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
Chrysocolla Mountain Lion by Chris Sandoval
$ 368.00
Black Marble Lizard by Lance Cheama - Zuni Fetish
$ 375.00
Serpentine Horned Toad by Lance Cheama - Zuni Fetish
Marble Bear by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
Chrysocolla Mountain Lion by Cody Nastacio - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Mountain Lion by Avery Calavaza - Zuni Fetish
Picasso Marble Buffalo by Fabian Cheama - Zuni Fetish
Picasso Marble Badger by Travis Lasiloo, Deceased
Wild Horse Rock Badger by Chris Sandoval
Maligano Jasper, Indonesian Badger by Chris Sandoval
Picasso Marble Mountain Lion by Dan Quam, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
$ 380.00
Serpentine Bear by Burt Awelagte - Zuni Fetish
Marble Bear, Large by Rickson Kalestewa - Zuni Fetish
Indian Paint Rock Rabbit by Chris Sandoval
$ 388.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Maiden by Claudia Peina - Zuni Fetish
$ 390.00
Picasso Marble Buffalo by Clive and Jonas Hustito - Zuni Fetish
Picasso Marble Buffalo by Fabian Cheama
Serpentine Frogs by Michael Coble - Zuni Fetish
$ 399.00
Antler Roadrunner by Justin Hustito - Zuni Fetish
$ 400.00
Serpentine Bobcat by Travis Nieto - Zuni Fetish
Jicarite Medicine Bear by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
Marble Six-Directional Figure by Travis Nieto - Zuni Fetish
Number Eight Mine Turquoise Mountain Lion by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
Multistone Insect, Dragonfly by Vernon Begay - Zuni Fetish
Cobalton, Calcite Horned Toad by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
Antler Fish by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
Glass, Art Mountain Lion by Robert Michael Weahkee
Antler Otter by Robert Michael Weahkee
Antler Bird by Raymond Tsalate
Antler Medicine Bear by Raymond Tsalate