Faustite Mountain Lion by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,400.00
Antler Maiden by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,500.00
Antler Bird, Horned Owl by Raymond Tsalate
Turquoise Bear Fetish Necklace by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai
Antler Mountain Lion by Raymond Tsalate
Multistone Frog Pendant Fetish Necklace by Dinah Gasper
Abalone Fox by Troy Sice
Onyx Wolf by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,600.00
Alabaster Corn Maiden by Jeff Shetima - Zuni Fetish
Antler Maiden by Troy Sice
$ 1,700.00
Multistone Six-Directional Set by Dinah Gasper - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,800.00
Mexican Opal Multi-animal by Lena Boone, Deceased
Antler Otter by Troy Sice
Antler Owl Family by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,900.00
Antler Frog by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Antler / Multistone Mountain Lion by Raymond Tsalate
$ 1,920.00
Antler Mole by Troy Sice
$ 1,950.00
Turquoise Figure by Eddington Hannaweeke - Zuni Fetish
$ 2,000.00
Antler Sun Face Katchina by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Antler And Abalone Bear With Six Fish by Troy Sice
Antler Bear by Troy Sice
Antler Six-Directional Set by Raymond Tsalate
$ 2,200.00
Turquoise Mountain Lion by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
$ 2,400.00
Antler Dancing Bear by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Antler Deer by Troy Sice
$ 2,500.00
Antler Bear With Fish by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Amber Fetish Necklace by Lena Boone, Deceased
Antler Nativity Set by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 2,800.00
Antler Corn Maiden and Kokoshi Figure by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 3,000.00
Antler Bird, Horned Owl by Troy Sice
Antler Bear Chief by Troy Sice
Antler Turtle by Raymond Tsalate
$ 3,200.00
Malachite Mountain Lion by Troy Sice
$ 3,500.00
Antler Corn Maiden / Kokoshi by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 4,000.00
Antler Bird, Eagle by Troy Sice
Antler Bird, Horned Owl by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Antler, Obsidian & Abalone Beads Owl Necklace by Raymond Tsalate
$ 4,500.00
Antler Moon Mother by Troy Sice
$ 5,000.00