Leopard Marble Mountain Lion by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
$ 600.00
Cuprite Six-Directional Set by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai - Zuni Fetish
Antler Bear by Troy Sice
Antler Bear Couple by Raymond Tsalate
Antler Bird, Eagle by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Zuni Rock (travertine) Bear by Orin Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
Picasso Marble Mole by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Zuni Rock (travertine) Mountain Lion by Felino Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
$ 650.00
Marble Bear, Double by Herbert Him - Zuni Fetish
Honey Comb Calcite Bears by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
Antler Bird, Eagle by Raymond Tsalate
$ 670.00
Rhyolite Mountain Lion by Herbert Halate - Zuni Fetish
$ 690.00
Ricolite Badgers by Herbert Him - Zuni Fetish
$ 700.00
Picasso Marble Bird, Eagles by Travis Nieto
Antler Mountain Lion by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
Dolomite Mountain Lion by Stewart Quandelacy - Zuni Fetish
$ 720.00
Multistone Six-Directional Set by Dinah Gasper - Zuni Fetish
Arizona Chrysocolla Bird, Eagle by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
Amber Bear by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
$ 750.00
Black Marble Wolf by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
Antler Wolf by Troy Sice
Antler Bear With Cub by Troy Sice
Antler Six-Directional Set by Brian Yatsattie - Zuni Fetish
$ 800.00
Ute Black Marble Bear by Melvin Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
Sandstone Bird, Eagle by Orin Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
Zuni Leopard Rock Travertine) Mountain Lion by Felino Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
Antler Bird, Eagle by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
Serpentine Six Directional Figure by Travis Nieto
$ 850.00
Pottery / Antler Kolowisi / Six-Directional Pot by Robert Michael Weahkee - Zuni Fetish
$ 900.00
Marble Medicine Bear by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
Sodalite Bear by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Medicine Bear by Avery Calavaza - Zuni Fetish
$ 950.00
Orange Alabaster Six-Directional Set by Avery Calavaza - Zuni Fetish
$ 960.00
Marble Bear & Buffalo Figure by Herbert Him - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,000.00
Multistone Six-Directional Fetish Necklace by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish Jewelry
Multistone Six-Directional Set by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai
Chrysocolla Bear by Troy Sice
$ 1,170.00
Water Buffalo Horn Bear by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,200.00
Antler Medicine Bear by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
Antler Wolf by Raymond Tsalate
$ 1,300.00
Charoite Multi Animal Necklace with Eagle Pendant by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai - Zuni Fetish Jewelry
$ 1,350.00
Mexican Opal Eagle Pendant Fetish Necklace by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai - Zuni Fetish Jewelry
European Caribou Antler Bear by Troy Sice
$ 1,400.00
Faustite Mountain Lion by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
Turquoise Bear Fetish Necklace by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai
$ 1,500.00
Antler Mountain Lion by Raymond Tsalate
Onyx Wolf by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,600.00