Picasso Marble Mountain Lion by Lance Cheama - Zuni Fetish
$ 360.00
Dolomite Badger by Chris Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
$ 365.00
Chrysocolla Mountain Lion by Chris Sandoval
$ 368.00
Marble Bear by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
$ 375.00
Chrysocolla Mountain Lion by Cody Nastacio - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Mountain Lion by Avery Calavaza - Zuni Fetish
Wild Horse Rock Badger by Chris Sandoval
Marble Bear, Large by Rickson Kalestewa - Zuni Fetish
$ 380.00
Serpentine Bear by Burt Awelagte - Zuni Fetish
Jicarite Medicine Bear by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
$ 400.00
Marble Six-Directional Figure by Travis Nieto - Zuni Fetish
Number Eight Mine Turquoise Mountain Lion by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
Glass, Art Mountain Lion by Robert Michael Weahkee
Antler Medicine Bear by Raymond Tsalate
Apache Sage Dendritic Ryolite Medicine Bear by Chris Sandoval
$ 420.00
Zuni Leopard Rock (travertine) Mountain Lion by Felino Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
$ 425.00
Zuni Rock (travertine) Bird, Eagle by Fred Bowannie - Zuni Fetish
$ 440.00
White Marble Medicine Bear by Stewart Quandelacy
$ 445.00
Turquoise Mountain Lion by Fabian Cheama - Zuni Fetish
$ 450.00
Zuni Rock (travertine) Mountain Lion by Orin Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
Turquoise Mountain Lion by Stewart Quandelacy - Zuni Fetish
Rainbow Fluorite Medicine Bear by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
Zuni Leopard Rock Travertine) Medicine Bear by Felino Eriacho - Zuni Fetish
Antler Mountain Lion by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
Picasso Marble Bear With Cub by Herbert Him
Jasper Medicine Bear by Chris Sandoval
Antler Wolf by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
$ 470.00
Picasso Marble Bird, Eagle by Derrick Kaamasee - Zuni Fetish
$ 480.00
Picasso Marble Bird, Eagle by Avery Calavaza - Zuni Fetish
White Marble Bear by Herbert Him
Antler Medicine Bear by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
$ 490.00
Picasso Marble Badger by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 500.00
Picasso Marble Medicine Bear by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Amber Bird, Eagle Figure by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
Serpentine Mountain Lion by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
Antler Bear by Troy Sice
Zuni Rock (travertine) Mountain Lion by Felino Eriacho
Porcelain Jasper - Mexican 'Exotic' Mountain Lion by Chris Sandoval
Antler Kissing Bears by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
Antler Bird, Eagle by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
Leopard Jasper Mountain Lion by Chris Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
Italian Ice Alabaster And Himalayan Salt Badger with Eagle by Loren Tsalabutie
Zuni Rock (travertine) Bear Mother and Cub by Vince Chavez - Zuni Fetish
$ 520.00
Copper Ore Six-Directional Set by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai - Zuni Fetish
$ 540.00
Boulder Opal Mountain Lion by Loren Tsalabutie - Zuni Fetish
$ 550.00
Zuni Rock (travertine) Medicine Bear Figure with Eagle by Avery Calavaza - Zuni Fetish
Picasso Marble Mountain Lion by Clive Hustito
Porcelain Jasper Medicine Bear by Chris Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
$ 575.00
$ 585.00