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Turquoise Maiden by Sandra Quandelacy

Sandra Quandelacy

Turquoise Maiden by Sandra Quandelacy

$ 120.00

A small double maiden carved in a striking piece of turquoise with a prominent dark brown matrix on one side - both maidens have jet inlaid features. Carved by Sandra Quandelacy, the carving reveals a corn maiden on one side with nicely incised corn rows with a gold-lip, apple coral, azurite/malachite and gold-lip dot inlaid in the corn rows to portray kernels. On the opposite side, Sandra has carved a maiden holding a water jar. There are incised dragonflies inlaid with jet to the sides of both maidens. Maidens symbolize abundance, fertility and feminine energy and the corn maiden is venerated in Zuni for giving up her life for the health of the community.
Artist: Sandra Quandelacy (signed)
Size: 1 in. wide x3/8 in. deep x 1-7/8 in. tall

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