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Seraphinite Medicine Bear by Chris Sandoval - Zuni Fetish Sunshine Studio

Chris Sandoval

Seraphinite Medicine Bear by Chris Sandoval

$ 350.00

A green and white/silver veined seraphinite medicine bear carved by Chris with no inlaid eyes. Chris has added an offering bundle to the top of the bear's back featuring four spiny oyster beads surrounding one amethyst bead. Seraphinite is an extremely unique and rare variety of chlorite, with beautiful dark green coloring. It was named after the Seraphim, the highest order of the angels, due to the gem's feathery wing-like appearance that shimmers under the light. Seraphinite is a crystal that represents spiritual enlightenment, hope, and positivity. Seraphinite is a crystal that represents spiritual enlightenment, hope, and positivity.
Artist: Chris Sandoval
Size: 3/4 in. wide x 2-3/4 in. long x 2 in. tall

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