White Marble Wolf by Burt Awelagte - Zuni Fetish
$ 180.00
Dolomite Wolf by Melvin Sandoval
Soapstone Wolf by Cody Nastacio - Zuni Fetish
$ 190.00
Leopard Marble Wolf by Lance Cheama
Wild Horse Rock Wolf by Lance Cheama
$ 195.00
Black Marble Wolf by Brion Hattie - Zuni Fetish
$ 200.00
Serpentine Wolf by Lance Cheama
Sodalite Wolf by Ryan Awelagte
Picasso Marble Wolf by Lance Cheama - Zuni Fetish
Turquoise Wolf by Andres Quandelacy, Deceased
Picasso Marble Wolf by Lance Cheama
$ 225.00
Root Beer Onyx Wolf by Fred Bowannie - Zuni Fetish
$ 240.00
Antler Wolf, Double by Robert Michael Weahkee
Picasso Marble Wolf by Burt Awelagte
$ 250.00
Serpentine Wolf by Dan Quam, Deceased
$ 270.00
$ 275.00
Multistone Three Little Pigs and Wolf by Bremette Epaloose - Deceased - Zuni Fetish
$ 300.00
Picasso Marble Wolves by Dan Quam, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
White Marble Howling Wolf by Jeff Shetima
$ 350.00
Picasso Marble Wolf (Lobo) by Dan Quam, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
$ 360.00
Antler Wolf by Raymond Tsalate - Zuni Fetish
$ 470.00
$ 750.00
Antler Wolf by Troy Sice
Antler Wolf With Pups by Raymond Tsalate
Antler Wolf by Raymond Tsalate
$ 1,300.00
Onyx Wolf by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish
$ 1,600.00