Onyx Horned Toad by Kent Banteah - Zuni Fetish
$ 40.00
Onyx Fox by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai
$ 45.00
Onyx Frog by Elroy Pablito, Deceased
$ 48.00
Onyx Frog by Leland Boone - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Bird, Horned Owl by Michael Mahooty
Onyx Bird, Horned Owl by Cody Nastacio
Banded Onyx Frog by Mike Yatsayte - Zuni Fetish
$ 50.00
Onyx Beaver by Jimmy Yawakia - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Rabbit by Kevin Quam, Deceased
$ 54.00
Onyx Bird, Roadrunner by Douglas Martza
$ 60.00
Onyx Medicine Bear by Michael Mahooty
Onyx Frog by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai
$ 65.00
Onyx Fish by Tony Laiwakete - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Sea Turtle by Melissa Quam - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Wolf by Cody Nastacio
Onyx Horse by Michael Mahooty
Banded Onyx Bear by Marcel Chase Weahkee, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
$ 72.00
Onyx Horned Toad by Melvin Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Bird, Hummingbird by Russell Shack, Deceased
Root Beer Onyx Bird, Owl by Melvin Sandoval
Onyx Frog by Dinah Gasper
$ 75.00
Onyx Wolf by Donovan Laiwakete
Onyx Turtles by Kimberly Kallestewa
Onyx Horse by Kenric Laiwakete - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Donkey by Cody Nastacio
Onyx Badger by Michael Mahooty
Onyx Rabbit by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai - Zuni Fetish
$ 76.00
Onyx Lizard, Gecko by Melvin Sandoval
Onyx Mountain Lion by Cody Nastacio
$ 78.00
Onyx Bird, Horned Bird, Owl by Melvin Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
$ 80.00
Root Beer Onyx Frog by Avery Calavaza - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Bear With Cub by Kevin Chapman - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Bear by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai - Zuni Fetish
$ 88.00
Onyx Frogs by Debra Gasper and Ray Tsethlikai - Zuni Fetish
$ 90.00
Onyx Mountain Lion by Marcel Chase Weahkee, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Saber Tooth Tiger by Cody Nastacio
Onyx Fox by Melvin Sandoval
$ 92.00
Onyx Resting Deer by Douglas Martza
$ 95.00
Onyx Bird, Eagle by Douglas Martza
Onyx Turtle by Melvin Sandoval
$ 100.00
Onyx Bird, Roadrunner by Jonas Hustito - Zuni Fetish
$ 110.00
Onyx Medicine Bear by Andres Quandelacy, Deceased
$ 120.00
Onyx Frog by Lorandina Sheche - Zuni Fetish
Onyx Insect, Praying Mantis by Derrick Kaamasee - Zuni Fetish
Root Beer Onyx Medicine Bear by Lena Boone, Deceased
Onyx Medicine Bear by Bill Tsikewa
Onyx Bobcat by Melvin Sandoval