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Black Marble Bird, Condor Vulture by Hiram Peynetsa - Zuni Fetish Sunshine Studio

Hiram Peynetsa

Black Marble Bird, Condor Vulture by Hiram Peynetsa

$ 130.00

An elaborate, detailed depiction of a condor vulture carved by Hiram Peynetsa perched on a rock looking to its left side with turquoise inlaid eyes. The body is carved in a nicely polished piece of black marble with a wonderfully accurate face carved in apple coral with turquoise inlaid eyes and has an incised ruff, left unpolished. Condors in California were a revered creature to Native Americans. They considered the condor to be a master of the spirit, who gave power to humans for a variety of world renewal and cosmic purposes. In some other Native traditions, condors have been seen as symbols of righteous leadership. They are associated with justice, wisdom, and strength. They have also been perceived as benevolent messengers of the afterlife.
Artist: Hiram Peynetsa (signed)
Size: 2 in. long x 1-1/4 in. deep x 2-3/4 in. tall

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