Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Rabbit by Danette Laate
$ 42.00
Mother-of-Pearl Flower Pendant by Lita Atencio - Santo Domingo Jewelry
$ 60.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Bird, Parrot by Tony Mackel
$ 72.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Mouse by Yancy Robert Halusewa,Deceased
Bird, Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Parrot by Tony Mackel - Zuni Fetish
$ 81.00
Mother-of-Pearl Otter by Peter Natachu, Jr., Deceased
$ 125.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Maiden, Double by Sandra Quandelacy
$ 130.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Rain Dancer by Burt Awelagte - Zuni Fetish Jewelry
$ 150.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Maiden by Vickie Quandelacy
$ 180.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Ram by Rodney Laiwakete - Zuni Fetish
$ 192.00
Bird, Malachite, Turquoise, Pen Shell, Jet and Mother-Of-Pearl Channel Inlaid Parrot Pin by Pablita Quam - Zuni Jewelry
$ 235.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Maidens by Marlon Laweka - Zuni Fetish
$ 240.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Maiden Figure by Michael Laweka
Mother-of-Pearl Figure by Michael Laweka - Zuni Fetish
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Mountain Lion by Andres Quandelacy, Deceased
Sterling Silver, Jet, Pink Mussel Shell and Mother-Of-Pearl Channel Inlay Rainbow Man Pin / Pendant by Fadrian And Vivica Bowannie - Zuni Jewelry
$ 250.00
Mother-of-Pearl Maidens by Michael Laweka - Zuni Fetish
$ 260.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Maiden by Claudia Peina - Zuni Fetish
$ 290.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Maiden Figure by Vickie Quandelacy
$ 325.00
$ 390.00
Mother-of-Pearl Necklace by Lita Atencio
$ 400.00
Gold-Lip Mother-of-Pearl Corn Maiden by Sandra Quandelacy - Zuni Fetish
$ 450.00
Mother-of-Pearl Maidens by Sandra Quandelacy - Zuni Fetish
$ 480.00
Dark Mother-of-Pearl Maiden by Kateri Sanchez
Mother-of-Pearl Mother of Pearl Corn Maiden by Brian Yatsattie - Zuni Fetish
$ 500.00
Mother-of-Pearl Bat by Brian Yatsattie - Zuni Fetish
Dark Mother-of-Pearl Knife Wing Necklace by Troy Sice - Zuni Fetish Jewelry
$ 4,560.00