Marble Horse by Joseph Quam - Zuni Fetish
$ 110.00
Wild Horse Rock / Marble / Clam Shell Bird, Eagle by Michael Laweka
Marble Horse by Abby Quam and Clayton Panteah - Zuni Fetish
$ 115.00
White Marble Horse by Donovan Laiwakete - Zuni Fetish
Marble Medicine Bear by Melvin Sandoval
Marble Coyote by Priscilla Lasiloo - Zuni Fetish
$ 120.00
Marble Mountain Lion by Stewart Quandelacy - Zuni Fetish
Sugar Marble Frog by Debra Gasper - Zuni Fetish
Marble Bird by Lorandina Sheche - Zuni Fetish
Marble Medicine Bear by Stewart Quandelacy
Marble Bird, Eagle by Melvin Sandoval
White Marble Bird, Horned Owl by Andres Lementino
White Marble Medicine Bear by Andres Lementino
Marble Coyote by Melvin Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
$ 125.00
White Marble Mouse by Albert Eustace
$ 130.00
White Marble Horse by Abby Quam and Clayton Panteah
White Marble Buffalo by Andres Lementino
Marble Wolf by Eddington Hannaweeke
$ 140.00
Italian Marble Fox by Melvin Sandoval
$ 148.00
Aqua Blue Marble Bird, Eagle by Burt Awelagte
$ 150.00
White Marble Horse by Andres Lementino
Russian Marble Baleen Whale by Melvin Sandoval
$ 170.00
White Marble Bear by Michael Laweka
Serpentine And Marble Bird, Double by Melvin Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
$ 175.00
Marble Bobcat by Melvin Sandoval - Zuni Fetish
Marble Medicine Bear by Herbert Halate
Marble Chief / Buffalo Figure by Dan Quam, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
$ 180.00
White Marble Wolf by Burt Awelagte - Zuni Fetish
White Marble Bird, Eagle by Burt Awelagte - Zuni Fetish
$ 200.00
White Marble Mountain Lion by Avery Quandelacy, Deceased
Marble Medicine Bear by Albert Eustace - Zuni Fetish
$ 220.00
Marble Medicine Bear by Andres Lementino
$ 225.00
Marble Medicine Polar Bear by Albert Eustace - Zuni Fetish
$ 240.00
White Marble Rearing Horse by Andres Lementino
$ 250.00
Marble Horse by Andres Lementino
$ 255.00
Marble Sorcerer by Derrick Kaamasee - Zuni Fetish
$ 275.00
Marble Ram by Derrick Kaamasee - Zuni Fetish
Marble Horse by Andres Lementino - Zuni Fetish
Marble Six-Directional Figure by Travis Nieto - Zuni Fetish
$ 280.00
Marble Figure by Sarah Leekya, Deceased - Zuni Fetish
$ 288.00
$ 300.00
Aqua Blue Marble Rabbit by Loren Tsalabutie
Marble Bear by Avery Calavaza - Zuni Fetish
$ 320.00
Marble Merlin by Derrick Kaamasee - Zuni Fetish
$ 325.00